Despre Noi

GoLED este un furnizor de servicii de eficientizare energetica. Eficienta energetica poate fi atinsa prin implementarea de tehnologii moderne si performante care necesita un consum mai redus de energie, ceea ce inseamna scaderea facturii de electricitate, reducerea costurilor de operare si intretinere a echipamentelor.

GoLED a luat fiinta in 2012 si este o divizie a companiei SMP Transparent Solutions, care detine toate drepturile comerciale asupta GoLED.
GoLED este un furnizor specializat in Contracte de performanta energetica. Este o companie ESCO, importator, furnizor si instalator de solutii de iluminat ecologic pentru aplicatii interioare si exterioare.
GoLED optimizeaza modul de folosire a consumatorilor electrici pentru a reduce cheltuielile cu energia.

De ce GoLED! ? citeste aici.

ESCO, investitii eco, planuri de finantare,reducerea facturii de energie, furnizor, iluminat LED, economie energie.

SMP Transparent Solutions, fondatata in 2008, furnizeaza servicii de constructii si coordonare de proiect, pentru spatii comerciale, spatii birouri, spatii rezidentiale, restaurante, baruri, etc.
Prin experienta si proiectele derulate de catre fondator, SMP a acumulat know-how in urmatoarele:
– realizare proiecte de constructii, inclusiv relevee, planuri si masuratori
– coordonare si obtinerea autorizatiilor necesare amenajarilor, constructiilor
– consultanta pentru redurcerea costurilor cu utilitatile, servicii de intretinere a echipamentelor tehnice
– consultanta in property management, facility management
– consultanta in furnizarea de echipamente si materiale, in conformitate cu cerintele clientului si cu legislatia in vigoare
– consultanta arhitecturala
– mobilier de inalta calitate si echipamente.
Oferind o solutie „start-stop” afacerii tale SMP poate aduce economii timp si resurse afacerii tale.

Constructii, Property & Facility Management,
GoLED! marca inregistrata a SMP Transparent Solutions
GoLED is a supplier of energy efficiency services. Energy efficiency can be reached by implementing modern and efficient technologies which consume less energy, this meaning a lower electricity invoice, reduced maintenance and operational costs. Give A+ to your business!
GoLED started in 2012, as a division of SMP Transparent Solutions, which owns all commerical rights on GoLED.
GoLED is a supplier specialised on Energy Saving Contract. It is an ESCO company, importer, supplier and instalator of green lighting solutions for indoor and outdoor.
GoLED is optimising the way of using electrical consumers in order to reduce the energy costs.

ESCO, Green investment, financing plan, small energy invoice, Supllier, LED Lighting, Energy Saving

SMP Transparent Solutions, founded in 2008, provides construction and project management services for commercial areas, office spaces, residential compounds, restaurants, bars and other.

Throughout our experience and projects we gathered know-how in the following:
– realizing the construction project including ground survey and measurements
– coordination of the technical and construction authorization of the space;
– construction services including project management, finishing, electrical, mechanical and sanitary works;
– consultancy for cost reduction regarding utilities, services and technical maintenance of the equipment;
– consultancy in property management, facility management
– consultancy regarding the acquisition of construction materials according to client’s requirements and the legislation;
– consultancy for the architectural design
– high quality furniture and equipment.
Offering the start to stop solution for your business SMP can save you money and precious time.


Construction, Property & Facility Management,

GoLED! by SMP Transparent Solutions

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