De ce LED?

DE CE LED? Iluminatul reprezinta frecvent o mare parte a consumului energetic al unei cladiri. Poate fi un cost semnificativ si pentru spatiile industriale, dar nu numai – vezi aplicabilitate.
Proiectele de imbunatatire a eficientei energetice sunt unele dintre cele cu riscul cel mai scazut si cea mai rapida rata de amortizare a investitiei pe care managerul energetic o poate selecta. Pentru a selecta si justifica aceste proiecte, managerii energetici trebuie sa evidentieze care este impactul asupra consumului si sa prezinte beneficiile financiare.


Similar cu viziunea companiei sau strategiile de marketing, angajamentul fata de eficienta energetica incepe in departamentul executiv. In vremuri bune sau mai putin favorabile afacerii tale, autoritatea managerilor conduce la succesul companiei, conform asteptarilor investitorilor. In timp ce mediul de afaceri se straduie la nivel mondial sa schimbe fundamental modul de a privi energia, conducerea trebuie sa adopte aceasta atitudine. Electricitatea nu mai este platita ca si factura aferenta serviciilor de telecomunicatii, energia nu mai este doar o cheltuiala minora care este prea putin controlabila. Astazi energia este mai mult decat scumpa – este o obligatie. Costul sau fluctuant si nevoia constanta de energie, pot deveni un risc pentru viitorul afacerii tale.
Vestea buna este ca poti sa reduci riscul viitor si poti controla aceste costuri, prin eficientizarea energetica. Cand energia era ieftina, conservarea ei nu era o prioritate. Acum, energia este o cheltuiala majora si constanta de-a lungul timpului, si aceasta cheltuiala este prevazuta a creste dramatic in viitorul apropriat. De fapt, se estimeaza ca pana in 2050, cererea globala de energie electrica se va dubla. Acest trend alaturi de o serie de factori care nu fac decat sa ridice costul energiei si mai mult, legislatia globala care limiteaza efectele climaterice, instabilitatea geopolitica si increderea crescanda in tehnologiile informationale in statele emergente, nu fac decat sa scoata in evidenta un singur fapt: problema energiei nu va disparea!
Ca un rezultat, vedem factura energetica urcand usor in topul cheltuielilor companiilor, o reflectie clara a cresterii pretului energiei. Totusi, cu o serie de reglementari guvernamentale, in mediile internationale, este doar o problema de timp pana cand eficienta energetica va deveni obligatorie. Pentru tine, un lider in organizatie, toate acestea inseamna o oportunitate. GoLED te poate ajuta sa reduci consumul de energie a companiei tale cu pana la 50%, minimizand in acelasi timp si impactul cresterii pretului energiei in viitor. GoLED vrea sa iti micsoreze aceste riscuri. Si, cu ajutorul nostru, poti sa scoti ce este mai bun din energia electrica.

Daca afacerea ta pierde bani zilnic, poti privi lucrurile mai in detaliu si poti lua toate masurile necesare pentru a impiedica acest lucru.
Ideea este ca energia este pierduta, iar energia reprezinta bani. GoLED se bazeaza pe acest fapt – cand investesti in aplicarea de masuri eficiente energetic, eforturile sunt recompensate prin cresterea beneficiilor.
Exista cativa parametri cu care se poate justifica un program de eficienta energetica, cel mai bun dintre ele fiind durata scurta in care compania incepe sa simta efectele financiare benefice ale investitiei energetice. Cu toate ca rezultatele pot varia, am observat ca multe din proiectele de eficienta energetica sunt amortizate intr-o perioada de aproximativ trei ani dupa implementare. Aceasta informatie poate fi definita clar si explorata in primul pas spre eficienta energetica: Un audit energetic GoLED. De asemenea, orice proiect de succes incepe cu interesul si implicarea managementului executiv prin „campionul eficientei energetice” al respectivei companii. Acea persoana va fi forta din spatele proiectului, cel ce va urmari indeaproape si va intretine progresul. Si in timp ce obtinerea eficientei este un proces de lunga durata, afacerea ta poate constientiza si obtine beneficii imediat.

Folosind informatia din auditul energetic, poti afla unde si cand energia si implicit banii, si unde sunt investiti eficient. Cu Auditul energetic la indemana si un campion al eficientei energetice de cealalta parte, beneficiile implementarii unui program de eficienta energetica sunt de nerefuzat:

  • Reducere semnificativa a consumului de energie prin strategii incearca-si-testeaza
  • Imbunatatirea disponibilitatii si fiabilitatea sistemului eficientizat
  • Imbunatatirea mediului de productie


Lighting is frequently a large proportion of the energy consumption in buildings and can be a significant cost in industrial spaces too, but not only – check applicability.
Projects to improve the energy efficiency of lighting are among some of the lowest risk, highest payback projects that an energy manager can select. To select and justify those projects, energy managers need to be able to show how the changes will impact the consumption and present the financial benefits.

Energy Is a Controllable Cost!

Like a corporate vision or market strategy, the commitment to energy efficiency starts at the top. In good times and bad, your leadership drives the success that your shareholders expect. As businesses worldwide grapple with the need to fundamentally change the way they view energy, that leadership is needed
more than ever. No longer is electricity paid for alongside the phone bill and Internet service—no longer is energy an overhead cost, a minor company expense that is only marginally controllable. Today, energy is more than expensive—it’s a liability. Its fluctuating cost, and your reliance on it, is putting the future of your business at risk. The good news: you can reduce future risk, and control that cost, through energy efficiency. When energy was cheap, conserving it was unimportant. Now, however, energy use is at an all-time high, and that figure is projected to increase dramatically. In fact, by 2050, the global demand for energy is predicted to double. Couple this trend with a series of factors that are sending current energy prices skyrocketing—global legislation to limit climate change, geopolitical instability and a growing reliance on information technology in emerging countries—and one thing
becomes clear: The energy problem is not going away.
As a result, we see the energy bill quickly working its way up the corporate ladder, a clear reflection of the bill’s recent growth. But with a series of governmental regulations in the works worldwide, it’s only a matter of time before energy efficiency becomes mandatory. For you, a leader in your organisation, all this points to opportunity. GoLED can help you reduce your company’s energy consumption by up to 50%, while at the same time minimise the impact of future energy cost increases. At GoLED, we aim to minimise your risk. And with our help, you can start making the most of your energy.

If your business was wasting money on a daily basis, wouldn’t you take a closer look, and do all that’s in your power to stop that from happening?
The point here is that energy is being wasted, and energy is money. But at GoLED, we’ve found that the converse is also true—when you invest in energy efficiency, your efforts are realised in the form of increased revenue.
There are several metrics with which to justify an energy efficiency programme, chief among them is the speed at which your business sees the return on your energy investment. Though your results may vary, we find that many efficiency projects are paid back within three years of completion. Such information can be clearly defined and explored in our first recommended step to energy efficiency: A certified GoLED energy audit. Of course, any kind of success starts with a commitment from executive management—your company’s “champion of energy efficiency.” This person will be the driving force behind the project, the person who will consistently monitor and maintain progress. And while efficiency is a long-term commitment—your business can start realising the benefits immediately.
Using the information from the energy audit, you can find out where and how your money and energy is being wasted, and where it’s being put to good use.
With an energy audit in hand and a champion of energy efficiency in-house, the benefits of implementing an energy programme are undeniable:
• Significantly reduced energy consumption, resulting in lower energy costs and reduced emissions
• Optimised per-unit energy costs through tried-and-tested strategies
• Improved reliability and availability of the equipment
• Improved workforce productivity

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