Montaj LED

MONTAJ LED. Produsele led potrivite proiectului tau pot varia in gradul de sofisticare. In cele mai multe cazuri, cum ar fi schimbarea unui bec incandescent cu un bec led, echipele de proprii clientului, pot duce la bun sfarsit o astfel de implementare ce ar fi o economie in investitia ta.
Pentru solutiile de iluminat propuse de noi, recomandam ferm montarea corpurilor achizitionate de la noi prin contractarea electricienilor licentiati si instruiti, pentru costuri minime aferente garantiei si intretinerii ulterioara.
Vor exista cazuri in care echipe complexe vor executa lucrari in sinergie si credem cu desavarsire ca numai o mana de fier si experimentata va coordona un asemenea proiect cu succes. Ne asteptam ca beneficiarul sa primeasca un serviciu de calitate, cu usurinta unui „one stop shop”.

The products that fits your project may vary in sophistication. In most cases, such as simple bulb replacement, your staff should be able to conduct the installation and would be a saving to your investment.
For our proposed lighting solutions, we strongly recommend the use of our licensed and trained electricians, as the guarantee and post instalation costs to be minimum.
There may be cases where complex teams will work in synergy and our strong belief is that the project coordination and management should be in one strong and experienced hand. We expect that the client will receive a proper service, as easy as you can get in a „one stop shop”.

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