FINANTARE. Investitiile in mediu nu au fost niciodata mai rentabile. In conditiile in care aproape orice manager are tendinta de a reduce cheltuielile, investitiile au intampinat din ce in ce mai multe dificultati.
Chiar daca evolutia economiei nu da semne de imbunatatire pe termen scurt, tehnologia incepe sa preintampine aceste neajunsuri.
Avand in vedere gradul mare de eficienta care poate fi atins prin adoptarea solutiilor GoLED, raportul pret/beneficii devine din ce in ce mai mic, ajungand la o rata medie de amortizare a unei asemenea
investitii in aproximativ 3 ani.
Pentru implementarea unei astfel de investitii se pot accesa mai multe tipuri de finantare, cum ar fi:
– resurse proprii ale clientului – cazul cel mai convenabil pentru ambele parti, intrucat costurile de finantare sunt minime, permitand o perioada de amortizare mai mica
– creditare prin resurse proprii clientului – costurile de creditare aflate la dispozitia clientului sunt mai mici decat nivelul mediu al pietei, sau decat in restul cazurilor.
– finantare ESCO – GoLED va suporta integral costurile legate de implementarea cu succes a solutiei urmand a semna un contract de colaborare cu beneficiarul investitiei pentu o perioada
cel putin egala cu durata de amortizare.
– creditare prin terti – fie una din parti sau impreuna vor accesa unul din urmatoarele tipuri de fonduri, schema financiara sau produs bancar (fara a se limita la):
– fonduri europene, rambursabile sau nerambursabile, in functie de Programul Operational accesat. In momentul de fata se pot accesa urmatoarele axe prioritare in vederea eficientizarii energetice:
(vom reveni cu lista lor)
– Linii de credit alocate de diverse organizatii interne sau internationale, care au la baza eficientizarea energetica, captarea de carbon, competitivitatea economica.
In momentul de fata GoLED are o colaborare deschisa cu urmatoarele institutii financiare: (vom reveni cu detalii)
– creditare de tip factoring – in urma stabilirii unui program de plati intre client, GoLED si furnizorii acestora.
– Leasing financiar.
Investing in environment has never been so profitable. While almost all managers want to cut costs, investments have met more and more holdups. Even if the economy’s path is not pointing a growth on short
term, technology is starting to overcome these incoveniences.
Considering the high level of efficiency that can be achieved by adopting GoLED solutions, the price/benefits report is getting smaller by day, reaching a period of return of
investment to a 3 years average.
To implement such an investment, more types of financing can be accesed:
– client’s own resources – the most convenient for both parties because the financing costs are minimum, allowing a shorter term of return of the investment.
– loan made directlz bz the client – the crediting costs are lower than market average, or than the rest of the financing options.
– ESCO Financing – GoLED will support all costs related to finalising the investment followed by a contract with the beneficiary on a period at least equal with the return of investment term.
– financing trough TPF (Third Party Financers); either one of the parts either joined are accesing a fund, financing scheme or bank products (but not limited to those):
– European Funds, refundable or not refundable, depending on the Operational Programme accessed. In this moment clients can access the following prioritary axes, which are aiming energy efficiency
: (voi reveni cu lista lor)
– Credit lines from international financial organisations, which are aiming energy efficiency, renewable energy, carbon stocking, or economical competitiveness.
In this moment GoLED has a mutual agreement with the following financial institutions: (voi reveni cu lista lor)
– Factoring, followed by a precise payments schedule between client, GoLED and its suplliers.
– Financial Leasing.