SERVICII. Pentru o metoda eficienta de implementare, GoLED va pune la dispozitie urmatoarele servicii, dupa faza:
Audit Sistem Iluminat/Studiu
Analiza energetica a sistemului de iluminat existent
– Identificarea solutiei optime de iluminat LED pentru atingerea unui grad cat mai mare de eficienta energetica
– Identificarea oportunitatilor de eficientizare a utilizarii iluminatului electric
– Identificarea oportunitatilor de generare energie electrica
– Consiliere pentru identificarea si accesarea fondurilor de eficienta energetica, captare carbon, competitivitate economica

Implementare/Coordonare proiect
– Dezafectare corpuri de iluminat existente
– Reciclare selectiva a materialelor dezafectate si valorificare prin unitati specializate si autorizate
Instalare corpuri de iluminat LED
– Instalare solutii generatoare de energie electrica
o Panouri fotovoltaice
o Generatoare eoliene
– Servicii conexe pentru implementarea solutiilor vizate
– Coordonare de proiect

Servicii post-implementare
– Garantie extinsa
– Intretinere preventiva
– Reprezentare in forurile specializate international pentru obtinerea de titluri de inalta recunoastere international
– Parteneriat tip Contract Economie Energetica (ESCO), Contract Performanta Energetica (CPE)

Deorece noi credem in comunicare si sinergia dintre GoLED si client, serviciile noastre se pot adapta la nevoile specifice ale fiecarui proiect.

For an efficient manner of implementation of energy efficient measures, GoLED puts at your service the following:
Lighting Audit/Survey
– Energy analisys of the existing lighting system
– Identification of the most optimal LED lighting custom solution in order to reach the highest level of energy efficiency
– Identification of the opportunities for automatisation of lighting system, for an efficient use of the light
– Identification of the opportunities for generating green energy
– Guidence for identification and accesing Energy Efficiency Funds, Carbon Stocking Funds, Economical Competitiveness and others

Implementation/Project Management
– Dismantling sevices of the existing lighting systems
– Selective recycling of the wasted materials and waste recovery trough specialised and authorised partners
– Instalation services for LED lighting
– Instalation services for green energy systems
o Photovoltaic pannels
o Eolian generators
– Aditional services needed to implement proposed efficient measures
– Project coordination

Post-Implementation Services
– Extended guarantee
– Preventive maintenance
– Representation for clients which implementerd GoLED solutio, in front of specialised international forums in order to achieve highly recognised dimplomas and tiles
– Partnership for Energy Saving Contract (ESCO), Energy Performance Contract (EPC)

Because we belive in communication and synergy between GoLED and client, our services will adapt to the specific need of every project.

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