Iluminat LED

iluminat LED?

In ultimii ani se vorbeste tot mai des despre LED (Light Emitting Diode, fotodioda). Sunt peste tot in jurul nostru si le puteti intalni in tehnici aplicate in: telefonie mobila, afisaje LED, TV, fatade
media, publicitate sau iluminat.

LED vs. iluminatul clasic
Iluminatul LED este „verde”! Acesta ne permite o contributie majora la protectia mediului inconjurator si la dezvoltarea durabila. Corpurile de iluminat LED sunt 100% recliclabile si nu polueaza mediul
dupa casare.
Dealtfel, consumul redus de energie electrica ne aduce economii si o decrestere a consumului de electricitate, reducand astfel emisia de CO2 si noxe, aferenta generarii curentului consumat.

Avantajele iluminatului LED sunt:

– Durata de viata a surselor de iluminat cu LED este de circa 50.000 ore, comparativ cu 20.000 ore a surselor de iluminat fluorescent si 2000 ore a surselor incandescente;
– Consum electric redus cu pana la 80% pentru acelasi flux luminos;
– Scaderea costurilor cu energia electrica;
– Scaderea costurilor de intretinere si inlocuire a corpurilor de iluminat;
– Ledurile emit mult mai putina caldura, fapt care duce la scaderea necesitatii de folosire a aparatelor de aer conditionat;
– Nu contin substante daunatoare mediului sau personalului: 0g Mercur, 0g Plumb;
– Posibilitatea de alimentare din surse regenerabile de energie electrica (panouri fotovoltaice, turbine eoliene);
– Eliminarea supraincarcarii sistemelor de distributie a energiei, implicit un risc minim de deteriorare sau autoaprindere a conductorilor sau panourilor electrice;
– Rezistenta la un numar infinit de cicluri oprire/pornire;
– Interval de fluctuatii ale energiei electrice intre 80 si 265 V fara afectarea sursei de iluminat;
– Lumina generata contine 0% lumina ultravioleta, mult mai sanatoasa pentru vedere;
– Efect de vibratie a luminii (flickering) inexistent;
– Capacitate de imitare a luminii naturale de pana la 85%;
– Insectele nu sunt atrase de lumina LED;
– Nu emit zgomote;
– Rezistenta mecanica sporita, nu se sparg, nu produc elemente periculoase (cioburi, gaze toxice, substante toxice);
– Reducere semnificativa a campurilor magnetice daunatoare omului;
– Nu atrag electrostatic praful;
– Garantie minim 2 ani.
Iluminatul LED este economic! Acesta iti permite sa reduci si costurile de operare.<bold>
Consum minim de energie. Dezvoltarea continua a tehnologiei LED face posibil un iluminat care consuma de 2 ori sau chiar mai putina energie decat a celorlalte tipuri de surse de iluminat, oferind
mai multe beneficii in aceleasi conditii.

Costuri reduse cu intretinerea. Corpurile de ilumiant LED au o viata extrem de indelungata de 50.000 – 60.000 ore (sau chiar mai mult) de folosire. Comparand cu durata medie de viata a surselor
de iluminat folosite in prezent, de 6.000 – 8.000 ore, Led-urile iti permit reducerea eforturilor de intretinere.

Corpurile de iluminat LED contin ca metale numai aluminiul, spre deosebire de corpurile clasice care contin si metale care pot rugini sub influenta mediului.

Iluminatul LED este compatibil cu nevoia ta! <bold>

Varietatea de tipuri de sursa, forma, culoare si capacitati iti permit o alegere in concordanta cu nevoile de iluminat.

Iluminatul LED este sigur!

Deoarece tehnologia LED foloseste curenti de joasa tensiune, este mult mai sigur de intrebuintat.De asemenea sursele de iluminat LED nu folosesc materiale sau substante daunatoare (ca Mercurul, Plumbul,
sau derivate). Folosirea iluminatului LED este mai sanatos pentru vederea, pielea, mintea si creierul celor care o folosesc (fara radiatii, fara ultraviolete,fara efect „flickering”,
LED-ul imita mai bine lumina naturala)

Iluminatul LED este viitorul in iluminat, bazandu-ne pe economii, fiabilitate si profitabilitate.

Iluminatul LED se foloseste din ce in ce mai mult in iluminatul comercial, industrial, casnic, dar si pentru iluminat stradal sau iluminatul fatadelor.

Impreuna putem ajuta mediul inconjurator prin folosirea iluminatului economic si sa pastram Pamantul cat mai curat pentru generatiile viitoare.
What is LED?<bold>

Recentlly people started talking more often about LED (Light Emitting Diode). They are used in more areas of our lives in applied techniques in different ranges: in mobile phones, LED screens, TV,
media facades, advertising, lighting and others.

LED vs. classic lighting <bold>

LED lighting is green! It allows us to contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development.
LED lights are 100% recyclable and do not pollute the environment after decommissioning. On the other hand, low energy consumption allows us to save electricity and thus to reduce CO2
and other toxic emmisions in the atmosfere, needed for electricity production.
LED lighting advantages are:

– Highest lifetime – around 50.000 hours, compared with 20.000 hours for fluorescent and 2000 hours for incandescent light sources;
– Up to 80% less energy consumption for the same luminous flux;
– Lower costs with energy;
– Lower costs for operations & maintenance;
– LEDs emmit less heat which lowers the need to use the air conditioning systems;
– LEDs do not contain harmful substances for the environment or for humans: 0g Mercury, 0g Lead ;
– LEDs can be powered from renewable energy sources(photovoltaic pannels, wind turbines);
– Minimum risk of deterioration, overheating or self combustion, no risk of overloading of the energy distribution systems;
– Resistance to unlimited on/off cycles;
– Energy range of fluctuation can be between 80 and 265 V without affecting or damaging the light source;
– 0 Ultraviolet emmissions, much healthier for human sight;
– No flickering;
– LED can immitate the sunlight up to 85%;
– LED light does not attract flies, bugs and other insects;
– LEDS do not emmit sounds;
– Higher mechanical resistance- LEDs do not break, do not create broken glass or toxic waste;
– Reduce the human harmfull magnetic fields;
– LED Light does not attract the dust electrostatically;
– Minimum guarantee is 2 years.
LED lighting is economical! It allows you to reduce your operating costs in its use.<bold>

Low energy consumption. The continuous development of LED technology allows us to offer LED lighting that have 2 or more times lower power consumption compared to other types of lighting,
under similar terms and features.
Low cost of maintenance. LED lighting components have extremely long life of about 50,000 to 60,000 hours (and often more). This compared with life from 6000 – 8000 hours on conventional light bulbs
allows you to drastically reduce costs. On the other hand the bodies of LED lamps are made of aluminium, which unlike conventional lighting (iron) bodies do not rust under the influence of the

LED lighting is consistent with your needs!<bold>

The variety of sources, shapes, colours and capacities, allows you to select the most appropriate for you.

LED lighting is safe!

Due to the fact that LED technology is low voltage, it is completely safe to use. Also LED does not use harmful substances or materials (as Mercury, Lead, or derivates)
and using LED lighting is healthier for your eyes, skin, mind and brain (no radiations, no ultraviolets, no flickering, LED light imitates best the sunlight)

LED lighting is the future in this field with its economy, reliability and profitability.

Our LED lighting is widely used in commercial, industrial, domestic, and also in the street and facade lighting.
Together we can help the environment by saving energy and preserve the world around us for future generations.

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